Follow the rules or get the boot.
Communicate in English only.
Only donate what is requested.
Try to donate as much as you receive.
Use both attacks in WAR!
DO NOT DONATE TO WAR CC! Our top guys fill them with the strongest troops.
Never attack above your mirror unless all bases below are already cleared.
Use both attacks in the first 12 hours of war unless you are in our top few guys.
Check in b4 each attack to request troops and let us know who you are attacking.
Go for 3 star attacks. Anything less is a wasted attack in most cases.
Only attack your mirror if you are sure of a 3 star, otherwise use both attacks to help out below.
Show up at WAR start and communicate if you want to claim your mirror.
We attack from the bottom up, so lower level peeps should try to get their attacks in as early as possible.
Never forget to take care of enemy cc troops before launching your full attack.
Draw cc troops out by dropping a giant or a couple barbs or a hog within range of their cc. Then lure their cc troops over to a corner to circle and defeat with at least 35 archers, especially for the lower ones that have valks. If you don't know how to take care of the cc troops properly, you need to watch some replays from our other war attacks.
Do not recruit during WAR.
Only recruit low level players, th7 or lower unless otherwise noted.
If you recruit a new member, always greet them and say the following:
"Check out our clan info and let us know if you want in war."
If they respond well and want in WAR, you may promote to elder.
If they're an idiot, douschebag, or don't respond well, you may kick.
NEVER accept a new member during WAR unless you invited them. They are probably a spy.
Elder is basically free and based on ability to communicate well. Co Leader is based on a combination of the following:
Donated to received ratio
Communication in and out of WAR
WAR - Prowess, not rushing, not being greedy
Helping us 'Lead'
© Hunts Heroes